Root canal treatment

Tooth decay can extend deeper into the tooth and penetrate the dental pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels. The nerves in the pulp chamber within the tooth are supplied by nerves and blood vessels within root canals that form part of the circulation system through the jawbones. The ingress of bacteria into this delicate pulp area of the tooth can lead to infection of the pulp, causing inflammation known as pulpitis. Irreversible pulpitis can lead to an abscess and intense pain as the nerve is infected. The treatment for this condition is through root canal therapy, which involves the removal of nerves and infected tissue within the canals. The canals are then filled with an inert synthetic material to replace the lost dental tissue. This process eliminates pain, infection and promotes a longer lifespan of the tooth. The treatment is carried out in teeth that have pulpitis symptoms and in teeth that have been previously root-filled but show signs of root infection. Our doctors can carry out root canal therapy in one visit, but multiple visits are required in some cases.