An implant is a single root device that replaces a missing tooth by implanting a rod-like structure composed of titanium directly into the bone. Once fitted, the implant can be used to support a crown, bridge or denture. The dental implant procedure involves two principal stages separated by 3 to 6 months of healing time. Both methods are widespread and are not complicated. In some cases, depending on the patient's jawbone anatomy, the treatment might additionally need a sinus lift or a bone graft.

Therefore, you need to discuss your options with one of our doctors, and together we will decide if you are a good candidate for implants.

An implant is the best solution to replace a missing tooth. Instead of cutting off two healthy teeth to make a bridge, we can place an implant that looks and works like a natural tooth and, most importantly, preserve your jawbone. Implants are easy to care for, but their long-term survival depends on maintaining an oral hygiene regime.