Crowns and Bridges 

Crowns are sometimes referred to as 'caps' since they sit over a natural tooth. They restore the shape and function of a badly broken tooth and can strengthen a tooth weakened by large fillings or root canal treatment. Crowns are made by highly skilled laboratory technical staff to fit and look like natural teeth by using porcelain bonded to an underlying metal structure. To have a crown placed, two appointments are required. The various types of crowns and options available can be discussed and tailored to suit each individual.

Crowns are put on the existing teeth; however, a bridge may be required if the tooth is missing. A bridge is a dental restoration used to replace a missing tooth by joining permanently to adjacent teeth. The materials used for the bridges include gold, porcelain fused to metal, or in certain situations, porcelain alone. We work with top laboratories in the GTA to provide the best service in the significant restorative field.